Day 18: Joy Is My Name…My Emotions Don’t Have Me!!

Fam!!  The kind of day I had today, would NORMALY cause me to dive FACE FIRST into fried wings and pizza!  I would sprinkle some bits of red velvet muffins or cake and drizzle with baked chicken with white rice. Yes, historically, I admit it, I’m an emotional eater. But…

Day 16: What’s A Birthday Without Cake??

NOPE!! It’s not my national holiday, but my Dad and only child celebrate their November 16th in separate states. I’m a birthday lover, so they are pretty big in our house…AND THEY NEVER COME WITHOUT CAKE!! Until today, we celebrated Hannah’s 11th birthday at Houston’s.  Cake didn’t even CROSS my…

Day 14: Accountability Is The Key…

I think I suffered from fatigue today, I didn’t want to move. And somehow, I think that’s ok. I turned up my exercise routine this week and I’m paying for it nown (52k steps Mon-Fri). I didn’t want to complete my push-ups or squats, I thought of all kinds of…

Day 13: Merry Fit-Mas: I Think I’m a Chef!

As I continue down the no rice/pasta/sweet path (I would say no carbs, but I ate popcorn today), I must find ways to “sike” myself into thinking I’m eating them even though I’m not. FOUND IT!!  I came across some cauliflower recipes and decided to try one out. To my…

Day 12: Exhausted!

I developed a competitive drive at 11:00 pm tonight. My desire to be the leader of my fitbit challenge group, pushed me to do 3000 steps before midnight! I did it, but I’m paying the price…I’m so sleepy right now, I could lay down on my kitchen table and go…

Day 11: Buffet Champion!!

First, Happy Veteran’s Day to my Dad, brother Harold, the MANY service persons that I know & those around the world…THANK YOU FOR YOUR SERVICE!! Second, my Dad & Mini Me are celebrating their birthday’s on November 16th.  I’m big on birthdays, especially since she’s turning 11. So, to jump…

Day 9: Interesting Monday

I had an interesting Monday. I the day started feeling strong because of the decision I made to discard the bread from a sausage, egg, & cheese croissant (the reason I was eating it in the first place is irrelevant…lol). I felt empowered!! I had fruit to help fill in…

Day 8: Merry Fit-Mas: Why Walmart…Why!!??

Walmart has some type of hold on my pocket book! Lol…I go in for 4 things and come out with 20 things! So, as I walked down the pasta/ Ravioli/Hamburger Helper aisle, all I could hear in my spirit was “Yea though I walk through the valley of the shadow…

Day 7: Talked Myself out of Popeyes

I talked myself out of going to Popeyes and I went to Wendy’s instead. I had chili & a bacon ranch salad (complex carb free). Major win for me…it’s all about the choices you make. I’m looking into trying some different veggie recipes…stay tuned! So: 64 ounces of water, 3…

Day 6: Merry Fit-Mas Eating Update

I am so humble right now!! I got on the scale this morning and…I lost 4 lbs.!!  This is a sign that I’m on the right path.  I just need to keep my noise clean (i.e. stay on program) and exercise. I’m on day 6 of 21 of my quest…