Day 12: Exhausted!

I developed a competitive drive at 11:00 pm tonight. My desire to be the leader of my fitbit challenge group, pushed me to do 3000 steps before midnight! I did it, but I’m paying the price…I’m so sleepy right now, I could lay down on my kitchen table and go to sleep with without a pillow…lol!!

So: 26 Push-ups, 40 squats, 13,007 steps = 5.08 miles & 81 mins of high activity!!! 72 oz H2O, 5 servings of fruit/veggies, 3 meals, within caloric intake target.

Fam…what wakes you up in the morning, is a look into your destiny!
#DoMode #MerryFitmas #CorrectNOTProtect #No excuses

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