Day 5: Merry Fit-Mas Eating Update


Ok…today was better than yesterday.  I thank God for that!  I didn’t wander around in a “food fog” all!! I was able to focus. So, today is another win for me! Wooosaaa! How am I doing this, you might ask.  I am sick and tired of being…sick and tired. I want to break this vicious cycle of over eating and self-sabotage. So, I made a commitment to myself to stay on program for 21 days (consecutive with no off days)…I am determined to make this happen. By God’s grace, I already have it!

So: 80 oz H2O, 4 meals, 7 servings of veggies/fruit, stayed within caloric intake.  I made a corn & broccoli dish, that helped to satisfy that carb craving (FYI, I had at least 5 servings of it…yep, I did)!

Fam…do you know how much your health matters? Take inventory!‪#‎DoMode‬ ‪#‎MerryFitmas‬

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