Day 4: Merry Fit-Mas Eating Update


I had bouts of sadness today dealing with not being able eat my “fun foods”!! I had to PRAY constantly, get support & talk out my feelings. Especially after I read the article I posted about “How to Stop Eating Your Emotions”. I reminded myself why I’m on this journey, as I walked down the isles of the grocery store & talked myself down from buying anything other than veggies/fruit & protien. I think it was some type of withdrawal. By His mercy & grace…I can put today in the win column!

So: 72 oz H2O, 5 meals, 7 servings of veggies/fruit, stayed within caloric intake.

Fam…Insulate your mind with prayer…cause that’s the battle ground!!‪#‎DoMode‬ ‪#‎MerryFitmas‬