Day 6: Merry Fit-Mas Eating Update
I am so humble right now!! I got on the scale this morning and…I lost 4 lbs.!! This is a sign that I’m on the right path. I just need to keep my noise clean (i.e. stay on program) and exercise. I’m on day 6 of 21 of my quest…
Day 5: Merry Fit-Mas Eating Update
Ok…today was better than yesterday. I thank God for that! I didn’t wander around in a “food fog” all!! I was able to focus. So, today is another win for me! Wooosaaa! How am I doing this, you might ask. I am sick and tired of being…sick and…
PRESS IN 2020!!!
Totally off game, but I’m gonna dust myself off & keep it going! Don’t give up on yourself today…YOU ARE SO WORTH THE PRESS! Don’t let ANYTHING STOP YOU!! #DOMODE